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    I am a student, I have used CircuitMaker but now it's no longer available, just know that Altium its the owner. I think it is abandonware, can. CircuitMaker is electronic design automation software for printed circuit board designs targeted. Due to its new status as abandonware, CircuitMaker 2000 remained popular among hobby users and students. This popularity has been. CircuitMaker 2000. CircuitMaker User Manual. Revision A the virtual electronics lab™ advanced schematic capture mixed analog/digital simulation. Circuitmaker 2000 manual. CircuitMaker, from MicroCode Engineering, is an easy-to-use schematic design and simulation tool. This product was discontinued in 2000 after being bought. Jan 16, 2009 - So my question is: What other programs work similar to Circuitmaker 2000 that don't cost a fortune to buy (like something from Altium, who.

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